2013年9月18日 星期三

有關於 FCP 音樂素材在 Youtube 上使用違反授權的問題

這是一個困擾大家的問題,雖然在蘋果官方的相關授權資料中,已經說明了可以使用 FCP 中的音訊內容在個人或是商業使用上(但是相關的法律授權,或許有另外規範)
,但是往往我們上傳到 Youtube 還是偶爾會收到違反授權的警告,這是一個很頭痛的問題,而且這個問題不僅是在台灣的使用者,在很多地區的使用者都有遇到相同的問題。




YouTube says I have violated copyrights by using Apple's music.
by AppleMan1958

You are licensed by Apple to use the music, jingles, and sound effects included with Final Cut Pro X in your videos on a royalty free basis.

You can use the audio content for personal or commercial use. (For details, see the license. I am not a lawyer) For your license, see this document, http://images.apple.com/legal/sla/docs/FinalCutPro.pdf (這個網址似乎已經找不到相關資料)

However, an annoying part of using YouTube is that sometimes others will claim that you are infringing their copyrights if you use Apple's licensed music. You can dispute this with YouTube by providing the Apple license information, and they will usually back down. Instructions for disputing the claim are below.

It is also a good practice to proactively put a "credits" title at the end of your video, stating music you have used and the source. You can also reference this in the description of your video, and perhaps in your Adsense settings for the video. The copyright violation algorithm is automated, so none of this will stop your video from getting flagged, but it will help you remember where you got the music and how you are licensed.


For more on this irritating problem and why it is so hard to solve, see this article by Larry Jordan. http://www.larryjordan.biz/app_bin/wordpress/archives/1842

To dispute the claim with YouTube, sign into YouTube.

Click on Video Manager (to see my videos that I have uploaded.)

Click on the Copyright notices link.

I see a link under the thumbnails which says "matched third party content". Click on this link.

Click on the link that says"I believe that this copyright claim is not valid."

Check the box that says I have a license or written permission from the proper rights holder.

Click continue.

You may get a box that enables you to explain. State that "I am licensed by Apple, Inc. to use "track name here" which is provided in the Final Cut Pro X App from Apple, Inc." Put a link to the Apple license. 
